What is a "Customer Journey"?

In today's diverse marketing and service delivery environment, customer journeys have become one of the most critical elements of customer experience. A customer journey can simply be explained as the series of patterns, decisions, processes and options that customers are exposed to while receiving any goods or services. Online shopping or customer service hotlines are very popular examples of customer journeys. The most commonly used journey types that B2C companies manage their interactions with customers are in the form of Physical, Telephone or Online.

What is a "Business Process"?

Processes are key components of any business management cycle. A process can be simply defined as a structured sequence of tasks, actions and outputs on the way to deliver a product or service. Process management is a highly critical necessity for businesses due to the fact that they have direct impact on the product/service performance, resource and waste management as well as customer experience.

How does mapping make a difference?

Mapping customer journeys and processes help businesses to understand both implicit and explicit signs of business performance. Knowledge captured throughout the mapping/optimisation efforts provides excellent opportunities for improvement in the following areas:

  • Maximisation of customer satisfaction and retention
  • Reduction of service delivery times
  • Efficiency savings and precise allocation of resources
  • Improved human resources alignment with business processes
  • Comprehensive review of and improvement in business management cycles
  • Opportunity and risk assessment
  • Fitness for purpose evaluation of ICT systems
  • Content and service performance audits
  • Competition review

The ultimate solution: Service Blueprints

Blueprints are the ultimate all-encompassing tools to visualize every segment in the functioning of a business, with primary reference to the consumer's point of view. They are designed by identifying and mapping processes, mapping employee actions and support activities, and simultaneously visualising different service components at each customer action step.